The users at facilities place their orders using the OnCare software. The individual who placed the order then receives an email stating that their order has been sent for approval. This email will include the delivery date and which vendor the order was placed with. The central office or administrator will then receive an email stating that they have an order that has been sent to them for approval. The administrator can then review the order and confirm that the order is within the budget. They can either approve the order as is or modify the order, so that the order will be within budget. The administrator will then approve the order and the software will automatically scan the system to see if the same products are listed for a cheaper price using another vendor. The order is then divided into separate purchase orders and sent to each vendor by email or electronic integration. The individual who placed the order and the administrator will then receive an email stating that their order has been approved and sent to the vendor. The vendor then receives the purchase order and sends the products ordered to the facility. The purchase orders can then be reconciled with the invoices to make sure that the vendors billed correctly for the items they shipped. We offer electronic integrations which allow the vendors to update their pricing and products from the vendor portal. We also offer integrations that allow the vendors to send their invoices electronically, which makes for very easy reconciliation.